quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010

Solutions to Choose the Best Credit

The Personal Loan is a quick solution credit that finances any of your desires. The personal credit goes to the purchase of consumer goods, and other purposes as vacation, travel, work at home, training and education, health, purchase of furniture, computer equipment and electronic, or even payment of arrears …

Start by having in mind that designing a fast credit in a store, through the companies purchase financing credit (SFAC), it is generally more expensive than designing a credit pledge in his own bank. This not to mention the amount of information that is often lacking in this type of fast credit, including rates of hiring.

Take note of some important steps and concepts to keep in mind, its time to choose the best option for your personal credit:

- Analyze the APR of credit that the company promotes. The fee is required to submit to the client, and usually reflects the total cost of the loan. The lower the APR, the lower also being provided.

- Review the contract and the extras, such as the cost of prosecutions, life insurance, customer card, among others, which are usually omitted from the client, and later charged by the lending institution.

- Do not consider and receive information only after conceiving the credit. As a consumer you have the right to know all the values for which the contract will require, therefore, avoid being carried away by the merchant you have to present.

- You can opt for a credit pledge, putting a financial investment as your bank guarantee. This may be a bill forward that can not raise a fund of long-term investment, among others. Look negotiate with your bank, and if they offer warranties, you can take out a loan with a pledge that is usually cheapest.

- You can pay your personal credit pledge by negotiating with your account-ordained. His salary is considered a bank guarantee, and you can borrow a maximum benefit of the value of your paycheck. If you can not pay your benefit, you may choose to use credit cards or cash in the next paycheck.

- When trying to acquire a personal loan, do take advantage of all arguments and which holds gains as a customer and consumer bank products. Indicate the number of accounts you have, credit cards, insurance, financial products, among others, and present also, if possible, other more advantageous proposals from other banks. Negotiate with the bank is no hidden science!
- When you acquire a personal loan, it is likely that the bank also requires him to contract a life insurance policy. This will prevent the institution in the event of your death or disability. May still be required to subscribe to a plan for credit protection, which also protects the bank in case you are on sick leave, involuntarily unemployed, etc..

- Pay off is not always advantageous. In the case of personal credit, the tax penalty on capital to pay off can be fixed or variable. Most banks charge 2%. Calculate well the extent to which it compensates amortize the outstanding principal, and lose interest in what you save.


Richer with the money saved?

Saving money

It should save as much as you can and live comfortably the rest available, simply take a percentage of that income so that they enter into your account.
At least 10% but ideally 20% every month for a term account which can then invest and earn interest.

There is a saying in economics that says that expenses rise to meet income, which means where we can spend, regardless of the amount we earn.

That is why living below the income and, preferably, always with the same value even if the income increases, it is a guaranteed way to save money and achieve excellent passive income.


All months should get the money you earned and divide that amount in investments that will do:

- Investing in equity funds
- Investing in real estate funds
- Investing in savings accounts

Normally the market index funds are best suited for investment.

You can divide the money into three equal parts in order to diversify in times of risk, but then it depends somewhat on your age. Learn where to invest to take more or less risk.

Reinvest profits

All profits from their investments that have to be re-used to buy financial products.
Mutual funds pay dividends and savings accounts pay interest. Instead of placing this income into a checking account, choose to add the amount to invest in the following month.

Do not tamper with the money

The markets go up and down at more or less extended, but in the long run all have made handsome profits. Of course the past is no guarantee of future returns, but the odds of getting a profit on its investment within a few decades is quite high.
Ignore these investments not to be scared at times of crisis and continue to invest the money monthly.

Time factor

The time factor is one of the most important in the economy and personal finances.
Virtually anyone can become rich if you have time for this, the problem is that the human being lives only a few decades.
However if it meets these steps will get rich at 1 or 2 decades. Of course, not a multimillionaire, for that other factors, but will be in the upper classes of society and can live on a vent.
What is your plan for getting rich is not complicated, although not the most exciting is certainly one of the easiest to secure a greater heritage than most of the world population. Most people who have enriched the process used …

The principle of financial recovery is on Savings …


How to Save on Back to School?

How to Save on Back to School?

The summer is fast approaching the end and when you give it arrived in September and with it the return to classes. And back to school always involves spending money: new clothes, new shoes, new backpack and a thousand new things for school. In a month that can be particularly difficult for parents in financial terms, discover how you can save money on back to school.

Start with a list. Make a list for each child, which lists everything she needs for the new academic year, from clothes and shoes, through the school supplies. It’s much easier not to exceed the budget and avoid impulse purchases and unnecessary, when you know exactly what you need to buy.

Make an inventory of clothing and footwear. With list in hand do not go running to the mall, start shopping at home! Make a clean sweep the closets and drawers: see what clothes or shoes still serve the child, consider whether you can take advantage of some things that no longer serve the eldest to youngest, may even make a “change clothes” with family, friends or neighbors who also have kids.

Make an inventory of school supplies. Look at the office, in the drawers where you keep all pens and backpacks offered last year and meets all the school supplies that may have left over from previous years and can be reused. In addition you can start scratching your list items, has started to save money.

The sooner the better. Begin to buy school supplies as soon as possible, because the more we approach the return to education, the higher prices. Enjoy the summer sales to buy new clothes and shoes for the autumn and do not forget the outlet stores that offer great discounts on clothing and shoes – even if they are past collections, the important thing is to invest in basic good for children.

Find and compare. Any grocery store or make available these days, school supplies.So what is the main difference? The price of course! Before buying, search multiple sites to buy – from the shop that specializes in school supplies and office until their usual supermarket. Be aware of all the promotional brochures that you receive in the mail and make a list with baskets of school supplies you need to buy based on two or three different stores to determine which one that saves more money in return to education.

Second-hand books. In general, textbooks are renewed annually, but it never hurts to ascertain, before buying, if your eldest son, a cousin or neighbor will not have this book and can borrow during the next school year. An easy way to save money on back to school.

List of teachers. It is not rare teachers handing students a list of school supplies they will need for the new academic year. Before going to buy everything on the list, make sure if you already have some of that school supplies at home, then just buy what they lack in sticking to exactly what the teacher asked for – otherwise you may spend money unnecessarily when buying something, only to then have to buy what the teacher asked.

Quality vs. Quantity. There are certain things that are worth investing if you want to save money on back to school: a good backpack, lunch box, pencil holder, scissors, winter coat, boots and shoes are just some of the things that the children will need every year ie instead of having to buy a brand new school every year, invest in quality pieces, not follow trends, that will last at least two or three years.

Analyze purchases. After deleting all items in the shopping list for back to school, look at each of the gift vouchers, in order to ascertain whether actually saved money or it could have saved more and why. Take some time to prepare its budget for the ideal back to school and keep it together with receipts for next year. Saving money is also a process of learning and practice!

The principle of financial recovery, it is saving …
